Personal Care
Bathing and Grooming
We all know keeping a normal bathing and grooming routine is important for overall good health. For some, this becomes a challenge and a little extra help never hurts. Assisting with this task can be simple or complex. Some of the steps that can be taken to ensure good hygiene would be:
♥ Wash and shampoo hair
♥ Bed bath or showering
♥ Oral hygiene
♥ Moisturizing
♥ Shaving
♥ Combing/brushing hair
♥ Styling hair
♥ Makeup application

Toileting and Incontinence Care
When incontinency occurs it needs to be cared for. If not, the risk of infections increases. Some signs of infection would be discomfort, odor and rashes. Using the appropriate products to maximize good perineal care and decrease negative side effects will be key to their care.
Mobility Assistance, Transferring & Positioning
A body in motion stays in motion. For a mobile person, it’s important to keep as much activity in their daily routine as possible. This will avoid muscle weakness and deteriorating body and mind coordination. Based upon individual care plan needs, we strive to keep everyone active with the lifestyle they are accustomed to. Some ways to achieve this are by trying to get them up and moving around or by taking short walks in or outside of the house. The non-mobile person needs to have activity in their daily routine as well. We will assure they are safely moved from their bed, chair, etc. and do our best to keep their muscles from stiffening by doing light exercises. By having a caregiver available to assist, this will reduce the chance for falls and injuries. For those who are bedridden, we will make sure a schedule to reposition them is in place. A routine such as this will help avoid bed sores and infections that could occur from lying in one position all day. Stretching upper and lower extremities daily will avoid muscle tone loss and help to increase circulation and blood flow.

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